Search Lab Richard Fenning

Lab SEO was a Search Lab event examining the routines and challenges faced by an SEO-adjacent business, and how a company should plan and manage SEO projects for its customers.

To discuss these issues, Lab SEO invited Daniel Rodrigues, senior product analyst at Globoplay, Victor Batista, responsible for SEO at Search Lab, and myself, SEO Manager for B2W. We talked about the learning curves and challenges faced by our respective companies.

I began by setting out my goals as a B2W representative: sales and visits. But I pointed out that I believe SEO should only be used to measure visits, since sales are much more connected to user experience.

I also raised the issue of metrics, which are critical to knowing which pages users are signing in to. As e-commerce websites have multiple entry pages, it’s important to know if these visits are organic, and find out how much time people are spending on the site.

When the time came to comment on the SEO challenges faced by business, I divided them as follows: challenges with directors, challenges within the team and with IT, and macro challenges. With directors, the big challenge is that they just want to talk about revenue, due to their aggressive sales goals. But SEO results are not achieved in the short term and take time to materialize, so this should always be near the top of the company’s agenda.

With the team, the challenge is to stay up to date. And the macro challenges involve Google, the main SEO competitor.

Below you can check out everything that was said at the Search Lab event: